our beloved prophet, prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the messanger of ALLAH. his love was not only to humankind but also to animal.
Muezza (or mu'izza) is said to have been the prophet's favourite cats. he most story about Muezza recounts how the call of prayer was given, and as Muhammad went to put on one of his robes, he found that his cat was sleeping on one of the sleeves, and instead of disturbing the cat rasullullah cut off the sleeves and let the cat sleep.
It has also been recorded that he usedwater that Muezza had drunk for wudu'
so everybody ecspecially muslim are encouraged to regard cats as lovable and cherished creatures, and mistreating a cat (or any other animal) is seen as a severe sin in islam. So for the cats over, continue your love and who didn't , give it atry.