Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The heaviest cat in the world.

Have you ever seen the heaviest cat in the world?
Now is your chance to see it.

This is Himmy with his owner Lorca from Southern New Jersey. His weight is 44 pounds equals to 20 kg! Isn't it amazing?!


Little cats that is new born still weak to fight with any kind of diseases.Because of that little cats need to have antibody in their body.But their antibody usually can get from their mother which is through milk feeding.KOLOSTRUM is a liquid that is produce from breast of thier mother when the process of giving birth within 48 hours first.This milk has a white coloured also strength and contain protein,vitamin,and a few nutrition such as IMMUNOGLOBIN,LACTOFERRIN,LACTALBUMIN,GLYCOPROTEIN,CYTOKINE and other and cin give good effect to fight virus like bacteria,alergic and tocsin.

What is vaccine???

Vaccine is a one type of viruses that is weakened to the purpose to help antibody of cats in order to give protection from diseases.But not necessarily when cats get the injection of vaccine,that cats free from diseases.However,diseases that attack usually can not lead to death.
1)Common checking
2)vaccines TRICAT(feline panleucopenia,rhinotracheitis,celici) or tetract(tricat+chlamydia)
3)Give medicine for 12-14 weeks
4)Common checking
5)Repeated vaccine(RICAT) far aged 20 weeks
6)Common checking
7)vaccines RABIES

Diseases that are commonly attact cats

1)feline panleucopena
2)rhinotracheitis and calicivirur
4)feline leucemia
All these diseases can lead to the death to our cats.

How to served your cat's meals

Not all cats can accept all kind of new food after they are very familiar with their common food.This is because,cats have a good bacteria that can help smoothen the process of digestion.When we change a new food drastically,of course that food cannot be accepted by your cats.Because of that,we have to follow certain steps how to replace new food to cats in order to prevent from digestion problem.