did you ever dream to own a beutifull cute and adorable cats..if so, you dont have to spent much for it. just be particular about your cats nutrition. complete nutrition for a healty cat.you want your cat to be healthy and beauty??feed your cats well.
before you feed your cats.. make sure the food is suitable for your cats growth. kitten and adults cat need different nutrition for their growth. You also have option to feed dried food, can or raw food. no matter what type it is,the most important is its cleanliness and nutritious.

traditionally people feed their cats with their leftover.Don't do this if you love your cats. We can't assure it's hygine from that, besides its may not suite your cats diet. If you want to give raw food make sure its cleaned and its better if we boil it. from my experience it work. before this my cats will vommit after they it raw fish. but now they didn't and theirfur are shinning than before.
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